Friday, September 6, 2013

Writing Response

In his article, "Why Blog? Searching for Writing on the Web," Alex Reid talks all about writing and become an "expert" on the subject. He quotes Malcom Gladwell in the beginning of the article by stating that it takes 10,000 to hours of dediction/work to become an expert at something. Reid goes into great deal about what it means to be an expert in writing, and even explains why the title itself is a bit outlandish, he also goes on to talk about the average amount of written work the average college student writes during his/her time spent at ___ University. Reid explain blogging, how to blog, what a blog is, basically, a lot of blog stuff. By having your own blog, Reid states students can improvise their own writing styles and other writing styles, whether they be familiar or foreign, and integrate them into blog posts that can relate to a plethora of topics and subjects. I agree with Reid, and think that that blogging, or any form of social-media related writing can expand and define a persons writing abilities, a well as offer opportunities for said student to improve.


/start rant

Do miracle pharmaceuticals really exist? Have you ever wondered if the effects of the drug NZT from the popular movie “Limitless” can be replicated?, a popular site for scientific article has an entire blog dedicated to one subject, nootropics. Nootropics, as defined by wikipidia, are referred to as “smart drugs, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements,nutraceuticals, and functional foods that purportedly improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.” Nootropics, although they sound like futuristic miracle pills, are becoming more and more popular, and have amazing effects on humans as purported by thousands of scientists and pharmaceutical researchers across the world.
Our brains are filled with more neurotransmitters, hormones, and phytochemicals than one could possibly fathom. Science and nature make great companions, because humans can use both to improve both.
Gwern lists TONS of nootropics, from ALCAR to piracetam to noopept to adrafanil (google is your friend.)  As well as providing information about pharmacology, toxicity, and effects, authors post their own experiences with every single one of these compounds as well as providing other sources from scientific journals and other scientific sources for readers to do their own research.

Outline, intro, thesis

Do miracle pharmaceuticals really exist? Have you ever wondered if the effects of the drug NZT from the popular movie “Limitless” can be replicated?, a popular site for scientific article has an entire blog dedicated to one subject, nootropics. Nootropics, as defined by wikipidia, are referred to as “smart drugs, memory enhancers, neuro enhancers, cognitive enhancers, and intelligence enhancers, are drugs, supplements,nutraceuticals, and functional foods that purportedly improve mental functions such as cognition, memory, intelligence, motivation, attention, and concentration.” Nootropics, although they sound like futuristic miracle pills, are becoming more and more popular, and have amazing effects on humans as purported by thousands of scientists and pharmaceutical researchers across the world.

Thesis: Nootropics, although they sound like futuristic miracle pills, are becoming more and more popular, and have amazing effects on humans as purported by thousands of scientists and pharmaceutical researchers across the world.

1.) Introduction

2.) Paragraph one:
      a.) Author of blog
            1.) Credibility
            2.) Surces
      b.) Introduction to blog/nootropics
            a.) Specific examples
            b.) Sources/scientific evidence
3.) Paragraph 2:
      a.) Specific experiment
       b.) pharmacology/toxicology
      c.) bioassay of author on specific experiment

4.) Paragraph 3:
      a.) Specific experiment #2
      b.) pharmaoogy/toxicology
     c.) results, closing statement

5.) Closing paragraph
      a.) Re-state thesis
       b.) re-cap, more science talk
       c.) Closing statement